welcome to my clubhouse of epicness!

DISCLAIMER: This site is pretty unfinished since i revamped it only a few days ago so it still might not look as good as the old version

this was made for fun cause I was bored haha. No judging!!

this was also mostly inspired by hfjone.neocities.org so visit their neocities :> (are they still active?)

epic cat

Zoo wee mama

this site was mostly made to be viewed on a phone so dont mind it looking strange on pc sometimes

Update Log!!

08/03/24: added update/notes log section to the site :)

08/04/24: added image gallery and separated notes log

08/05/24: added blinkies and stamps does that count?

08/06/24: added about me and buttons page

08/06/24: whoops, the scroll bar thing on the logs didnt work right! i'll just fix it later


08/05/24 [1]: currently working on an about me page here⚒️

08/05/24 [2]: im currently trying to update this site everyday but I've been really busy so i might not make much updates tommorow

08/06/24 [1]: welp, the about me page is pretty short. i didnt really know what to type :P

08/06/24 [2]: i might as well write here cause im pretty bored right now. school started a few days ago so ive been pretty busy. i realized that this site wouldnt look like this if i remembered that i had like a trillion neocities sites so i decided to log into all of them. it was probably a good idea cause all of this cool html stuff wouldnt exist without me remembering i made this random site in 2023 september then abandoned it. anyways byeee this is getting too long

heres another little welcome to my part of the internet but longer! welcome to my site. i appreciate that you visited today :o this part of the web is just a little place where i can share stuff I've made or stuff ive seen. have fun here!

blinkies and stamps down here! vv

woah bunch! mouth asset hfjone pen glitter! i glow green pretendt theres a title here youtube